Date Tip: The Truth behind Long-Distance Relationships
Have you ever considered the advantages of long-distance dating? In the past, singles have felt that someone who is geographically further than a short drive isn’t a match. However, research has shown that long-distance relationships have tremendous benefits and true staying power!
The old saying "absence makes the heart grow fonder" is not just a cliché. A study with 870 subjects found that people involved in long-distance relationships showed higher levels of love and quality conversations. These dynamics build a core foundation for a thriving relationship. In addition, the individuals in the study felt more independent. The ability to have extra time for hobbies, personal goals, and career growth are clear advantages of LDRs. It can bring couples together in a positive way.
When connecting with individuals in your city or region isn’t working, long-distance dating is a terrific option. Expanding one’s search radius can lead to meeting someone who has the attributes and personality traits that you are looking for. Clearly, people who spend quality time in remote romances have rewarding experiences. These fulfilling connections can often lead to beautiful partnerships and, possibly, marriage. Try long-distance dating and become open to a new way of finding your soulmate!